Hehhh brah?

Hello. Hi. Long time no post entry. Ciss nobody will read I guess. So what am I going to post? Ah you guys should know sekarang ni musim cuti sekolah and o.f.c.o.u.r.s.e ramai family family yang tengah holiday sekarang including my family. Lalalalala. Tapi kiteorg tak kemana pun, just visited our cousin dekat KL. And ni pun baru balik. While next week kena lagi bcs have to attend relative punya wedding. Must be there okay. So these are the pictures masa jumpa cousin haritu.....

You should try this guys, gelato and youghurt @ N Brew in Mid Valley 

Lepas jalan might be hungry so guys let's taraaaa 

Ah tak kisahlah apa pun but I'm so happy, not the only me. Classmate yg lain. Ofc lah kiteorg happy. Semua org cuti 2 weeks but we extend sampai 3 weeks except Monday and Tuesday lah kiteorg sekolah tapi lepastu we will spend our school days dekat L.A.N.G.K.A.W.I yeayyyyy. Alhamdulillah finally kiteorg punya usaha tak sia sia. Thanks to em thanks to ketua and all of em include Cikgu Aziz

So guys insyaAllah kalau tak malas I'll update new entry masa kat Langkawi okay. 