One step closer. It's 7:45 in the morning. My very first time working at O&G (Obstetric&Gynae) Ward. Ya Allah, I really cant wait to meet the moms and the babies. It's already 8 and we started doing our routine. Take the vital sign and so on (Saya taknak explain banyok banyok kerja saya)

Babies! You guys are so cute!! And when i looked at you guys, feeling rasa mcm nak ada anak sendiri tu membuak buak. I want baby. We've done with top and tail which is kami kena lapkan the baby's face step by step, vulva swabbing which is we have to clean mom's perineum and we also done with baby's bath! 
Perasaan masa mandikan baby tu cuma Allah yang tahu. Happy seronok memang ada tapi takut tu mengatasi la. Anak oang, nak dibuatnya tergelincir? Tak sanggup.

I'll continue soon, assalamualaikum